Three Key Reasons to Speak With an Auto Accident Attorney
The shock of being in a car accident can be extremely stressful. Recovering from the accident should be your top priority, but you will also have to deal with new financial stresses, from repair bills for your vehicle to medical bills for your recovery.
You may think that the only way forward is to pay the bills even if the accident wasn’t your fault. But if you speak with a car accident attorney, you might find out that you have more options than you originally thought.
A personal injury attorney can make sure that you’re informed of all of your options. At Landry Law, P.C., we seek to help our clients secure the financial compensation they deserve after an accident. We focus on building personal relationships with our clients and protecting their rights. Landry Law, P.C. proudly represents clients in Lone Tree, Trinidad, and in the neighboring areas of Denver, Douglas County, Castle Pines, and Castle Rock, Colorado. Reasons to Speak With an Auto Accident AttorneyAfter a car accident, it’s important to focus on your recovery – but it’s also helpful to seek legal advice for several different reasons. Understanding an At-Fault StateUnder Colorado law, you can seek to hold the driver who is at fault for the accident legally and financially responsible for the accident.
While Colorado is an at-fault state, it is also a comparative fault state. This means that you can only hold the at-fault driver liable if he or she is 51% or more responsible for the accident. If you are 50% or more responsible for the accident, then you cannot seek compensation from the other driver.
Under the comparative fault rule, any compensation you receive will be reduced by the percentage that the accident was your fault. For example, if you were 25% at fault for the accident because you did not use your turn signal, and you were going to receive $10,000 in compensation, you would only receive $7,500 after the award is reduced by 25%.
If you believe the other driver was more than 50% responsible for the crash, you may want to speak with a car accident attorney about your legal options.
Serious InjuriesAnother reason to hire a car accident attorney is if the accident caused serious injuries. In cases where a victim sustained serious injuries, it is difficult to know exactly what the final medical costs will be.
It’s important to not take the first offer if you do not know for certain that it will cover all your future costs related to the serious injuries you sustained during the accident. A personal injury attorney can help argue your case so that you receive enough compensation for your serious injuries. An attorney can also help you seek compensation for pain and suffering you experience due to the injuries. Negotiating With the Insurance CompanyFinally, negotiating with the insurance company can be extremely challenging. The insurance agent may offer you a small settlement that won’t cover all your medical and vehicle repair bills, let alone the income you’ve lost from missing work. Rejecting their settlement and securing enough compensation on your own can be difficult.
On the other hand, an experienced car accident attorney will be aware of the tactics insurance companies use. Your attorney will develop a strategy and negotiate with the insurance company to seek the best outcome for you. Questions to Ask a Personal Injury AttorneyBefore you commit to working with a personal injury attorney, make sure you have the answers to your important questions.
Give the attorney the facts of your case and ask if it would be possible to hold the other driver liable.
Talk to the attorney about what a person with your injuries would typically expect in terms of financial compensation.
Ask the attorney what a fair settlement offer from the insurance company would be for your case. Follow up by asking your attorney how much your case could be worth.
Seeking fair financial compensation on your own after an accident is difficult. Negotiating with the insurance company can be complicated on its own, and it’s even more challenging when you’re recovering from your injuries at the same time. Turn to Knowledgeable Legal CounselAt Landry Law, P.C., we provide personalized service to each of our clients. With over 22 years of experience, Scott P. Landry, Esq. is dedicated to representing your best interests, outside or inside the courtroom. Landry Law, P.C. proudly represents clients in Lone Tree, Trinidad, and the neighboring areas of Denver, Douglas County, Castle Pines, and Castle Rock, Colorado. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation. |